We are looking for Insane Professionals, who could deliver Sane results.
If you are driven by Money, then Econoxy isn't the work place for you (cause, we forgo gains, but never cheat our clients).
But if you are driven by passion, to help others, then this is the best place to work !
Note: We do not view/collect a CV/Resume, so please fill the form with Honesty and we would connect with you. Thanks
  • Econoxy Career

    Steve Jobs

Econoxy Jewels

Augmented reality mirror !

Try Live Jewelry with simple gestures in air !

Most advanced technology revolution integrated with core jewelry business
We utilized Augmented Reality to improve your core business and not just to showcase some technology !

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Econoxy Jewels

Every buyer has some unique choices !
with this thought in mind we thought of providing the user with unlimited stocks of Jewelry !

  • Jewels provide Augmented reality mirror, so don't just see a photo, wear it LIVE and share it on social media !
  • Jewels provides the buyer with LIVE mirror, to showcase a wide range of ornaments, with a simple gestures in air !
  • Jewels learns the buyers selection, and would suggest related ornaments based on their browsing history
  • Jewels provides the owner to manage the catalogue, orders, payment and shipping directly from their existing Off-line stores

experience the difference !
Connect with us today !